How it works

Step 1

Assemble parts and apply braze alloy where necessary.

Step 2

Preheat parts in an air furnace to prepare for dip brazing.

Step 3

Immerse parts in molten salt bath to melt and flow braze alloy.

Step 4

Remove from bath to quench, clean and cool parts, aging in an air furnace as needed.

Benefits of Aluminum Dip Brazing

  • It’s clean. The molten salts act as a flux, and protect the joints from oxidation. Once the residual salts are washed away you’re left with a beautiful product which requires little in the way of final cleaning or adjustments.
  • It’s cost-effective. Aluminum Dip Brazing usually requires no expensive jigs or tooling. Instead, parts are designed to be self-locating and self-fixturing.


Medical / Dental

Medical / Dental

Some of the ways we provide world-class service to the medical industry include: Brazing of Dissmilar Metals (Metal to Ceramic, Titanium) High Temperature Brazing and Heat Treating (Temperatures Above 2400°F) Brazing to some of the most stringent cleanliness standards in the industry

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Ferocious temperatures, extreme environments, and exacting tolerances make aerospace applications incredibly difficult, though this is precisely where we excel.

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Thermal-Vac has received certified recognition by these top accreditation programs.

  • Heat Treating